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Green & Healthy Building Certification

The Green Clean Institute has over twenty years of experience in the practical side of Green cleaning and the development of Green & Healthy buildings.  We know that there is no instant solution for buildings suffering from poor indoor air quality and cleaning services that are pretending to be Green.  There are some basic steps to developing a Green and Healthy building.  It starts with a GCI Green Cleaning service that has trained its workers to actually deliver a quality Green cleaning program.

Too often, workers are recruited quickly and told to "Follow" a fellow worker to learn the system.  There is no regular program to instill and maintain a proper Green cleaning program because the pressure is always on rushing through the job.  Time on the job is money, so far too many cleaning services soon ignore the best practices for Green cleaning in place of getting the job done.

Find a reliable Green Cleaning service in your area at:  If your area doesn't have a Seriously Green GCI Cleaning service, insist during your hiring and bid process that the winning company adopt the Green Clean Institute training and certification program.

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