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GCI Green & Healthy Building Certification

Green Building Certification

Going Green is progressive, not a one-time effort.  We work with your existing cleaning service to implement an easy-to-follow program that is then annually validated by a simple checklist.  The building management and the cleaning service understand that "Going Green" is accomplished in a step-by-step program that is not costly or difficult.  The GCI Green and Healthy Building process takes that well-understood elements that improves the indoor air quality, reduces the chemical load, and reduces waste and landfill problems.

OSHA Compliance for Green Cleaning

While many OSHA applications are for physical operations and toxic health concerns, we cannot ignore the OSHA concerns for an existing healthy building.  The relity is that every cleaning service needs to be able to understand and follow the standards for existing buildings long after construction.  Our training program includes the OSHA applications for a healthy workplace.  It is obvious  that every building manager will want to insure OSHA compliance in the workplace via a trained and certified Green cleaning service.

Find out More Here

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