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GCI Green Product Certification

Yes, the Green Clean Institute has a reliable process for Green certification of Green cleaning products.  The key is not a lengthy test of already tested and proven products, but the validation that the ingredients and claims are truthful and reliable.  For years, marketing programs have gone overboard with twisted and deceitful marketing.  Many Green, Organic, Environmentally-safe, and Natural labels are meaningless.

This is why the Green Clean Institute has adopted a "Truth in Labeling" standard that examine the validity and honesty of claims made to the public.  No more twisted, deceitful, and complicated language.  The Green Clean Institute is a legitimate third-party certification program that isn't tied to demanding high-prices to make a mockery of the best environmental principles.

If you have a "Seriously Green" product, equipment, or service, consider earning the GCI Green Product Certification that is part of our federal trademark program.  This "Truth in Labeling" logo and certification will raise the level of confidence in your product or equipment.

Green Product Certification Link

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