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Green Product Certification

Why pay TENS of THOUSANDS and go through more than a year of tedious compliance when the Green Clean Institute offers the "Truth in Advertising" program for the review and certification of products and equipment that fairly represent Green and environmentally benficial value? 

In the pursuit of creating a a Green and Healthy building, we know that there is no one element that makes a building or service Green.  Going Green is a process, not a one-time promotion.  In fact, all building maintenance is a constant effort to maintain and improve the operation.  One coat of a floor product does not last forever.  But to achieve optimum floor care, there are several contributing factors.  The use of one or more entrance door mats prevent dirt from entering the building, that means less wear on the floor coating, and therefore less need to strip and refinish the floors.  This save of the use of floor care products, costly labor, and impacts the quality of the air in the building.


Green Product Certification Link

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