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Best Janitorial Service in Ft. Myers Florida

Best Janitorial in Ft MyersWe would like to recognize our growing GCI Certified membership of Green Certified Firms.  Flor's Cleaning in Ft. Myers. FL is a proactive, very professional, cleaning company that has a full commitment to Green cleaning.  This commitment shows on every level.  

GCI Green Product Certification

Green Product CertificationYes, the Green Clean Institute has a reliable process for Green certification of Green cleaning products.  The key is not a lengthy test of already tested and proven products, but the validation that the ingredients and claims are truthful and reliable.  For years, marketing programs have gone overboard with twisted and deceitful marketing.  Many Green, Organic, Environmentally-safe, and Natural labels are meaningless.

Is Your Cleaning Service "Seriously Green"?

Think You're Green Cleaning Service?All too often, the public falls for the hype that a cleaning service is Green because they say so, or they post the Green message on their website.  Too often, cleaning services are "Token Green" meaning that they include a couple Green products but frankly know very little about delivering a Green & Healthy workspace.

Green & Healthy Building Certification

Worker Health in a Green BuildingThe Green Clean Institute has over twenty years of experience in the practical side of Green cleaning and the development of Green & Healthy buildings.  We know that there is no instant solution for buildings suffering from poor indoor air quality and cleaning services that are pretending to be Green.  There are some basic steps to developing a Green and Healthy building.  It starts with a GCI Green Cleaning service that has trained its workers to actually deliver a quality Green cleaning program.

Green Cleaning & Chemical Sensitivity

Chemical Sensitivity IAQIn far too many cases, company management tends to overlook the impact of poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in the office and workplace.  Aside from operations that may exist in the building or neighborhood, your cleaning service is likely one of the biggest contributor to airborne toxic or chemical influences in the air.  In fact, nearly 70% of all public buildings have poor to very poor air quality.

Green Product Certification

Green Product CertificationWhy pay TENS of THOUSANDS and go through more than a year of tedious compliance when the Green Clean Institute offers the "Truth in Advertising" program for the review and certification of products and equipment that fairly represent Green and environmentally benficial value? 


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